Saturday, February 20, 2010

"It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." — Gore Vidal

I caught up with Tom G. (the nice guy from Oregon with the ranking I want, need, and DESERVE) after puzzle 5. He cracked on puzzle 5--for "Part of un año," he put JUNIT, which I suspect he knew was wrong when he entered it but he couldn't figure out why. The cross word for the last letter of JUNIT was the last letter of "Bridge opening." Now, according to my uncle Jim, the correct answer to that one is "three no trump," almost regardless of one's hand, skill level, or opposing bidding. Much recrimination and gnashing of teeth has resulted from uncle Jim's intrepid bidding style during our family's semiannual bridge games in Newton, MA. However, for unknown reasons, the answer they were looking for was "ONE NO," and so the last letter is O, making the "part of un año" into "JUNIO," which es el sexto mes del año. Que bueno. JUNIT ain't in it, as Jack Aubrey might say. But Tom G had thought the answer was "ONE NT," with the NT meaning "no trump." Lesser men would have wept, but Tom G took it well, if you don't count the rending of his garment.


  1. You're a freak Singer, I've known that since 1983, but it sounds like you're doing great, I'm proud of you, and good luck. Jonathan

  2. Thanks Jonathan! In the world of ACPT, the bar for "freak" is much higher, and I don't begin to clear it. But thanks, I guess. --Dan
